Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fresh Picked Fabric Boutonnieres

While I love the look of the Fred-Astaire-classic floral boutonniere, the modern groom seems to be searching for something less traditional and I am all for it!  Coordinating pocket squares is a rich and simple way to dress up the men in your bridal party without pinning on the garden.  If you love the look of a flower on the lapel, then check out my top pick of fabric boutonnieres featured on Martha Stewart Weddings' Best Boutonnieres Gallery:

If you love these looks and you weren't born with the crafting gene, then our creative services can help!  Contact Four Leaf Events to find out how we can stitch, pin, glue, cut, and sew your visions into fruition.

Looking for something more quirky for your groom?  Then skootch on over to April Foster's blog on unique custom boutonnieres.  (We both so happened to have our brains on the same topic today!)


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